
58 Nomadic Tribal : A large amount of Massacre : Rimworld

58 Nomadic Tribal : A large amount of Massacre : Rimworld 10 Pikemen, 19 Lancers, 14 Scyther, 64 Pirates, 38 Rhino, 42 Megaspiders, 53 Megascarbs, 57 Spelopede,

So much slaughter this episode, we massacre mechanoids, manhunters, bugs and pirates. The Mechanoids were scary, we took a lot of damage but no one died. The kill box is working well and the A team is out attacking pirate bases. We are coming up on the end game now. Even if the base gets wiped out now, our pirate annihilation squad is still out their and can potentially finish the mission. Our second squad the B Team is in training.

Mod List :
Smart Speed
Numbers Mod
Dubs Mint Minimap
Heat Map
Defensive Positions
Color Coded Mood Bar
Replace Stuff
Complex Jobs
Higs Lib

Credits song - Dan Lebowitz - Surrender

rimworld,tutorial,beginners,guide,let's play,game mechanics,computer games,survival,simulation,nomad,nomadic,fighting,shooting,raids,failure,trading,deaths,

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