
Earth Day: Devolving climate finance and increasing ambition

Earth Day: Devolving climate finance and increasing ambition To mark Earth Day on 22 April 2020, Florence Crick, researcher at the International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED), focuses on the most vulnerable and the poorest people who are at the forefront of the pandemic crisis and climate crisis.

Crick highlights how current business-as-usual approaches are not enough, and how it’s time to be more ambitious and move on from business as usual. For example – new mechanisms that can deliver finance and resilience to where it matters most - to local levels.

Some developing countries are already showing the way forward, and also in this video, Victor Orindi, coordinator at the Adaptation Consortium, explains how in Kenya, the national government is scaling out the devolved climate finance (DCF) mechanism – a mechanism which has processes to ensure that money reaches the local levels while strengthening communities’ participation in the management and use of this money.

More details:

International Institute for Environment and Development (IIED),Earth Day,Kenya,climate finance,devolved climate finance,DCF Alliance,

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