
Ehsas Dignified nations thus support that No one knows with their ears How we help others

Ehsas Dignified nations thus support that No one knows with their ears How we help others 9t9mag channel report
Dignified nations thus support that No one knows with their ears.....
Dignity helps the nations in that way
No one knows with their ears
Islam also says that charity
Cover so much that the left hand too
Do not know what the right hand spent
While we are a piece of soap
Salafis are also being made at times
This is a process
Which is displeasing to Allah
Ehsas ais kw kehty hean
How we help others

9t9mag,9t9mag channel,Ehsas,how help the poor,Ehsas Dignified nations,How we help others,Salafis,Ehsas program,imran khan ehsas prog,poor are too happy,

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