
Fallout 76 Wastelanders Daily Ward Vital Equipment Gulper Lagoon

Fallout 76 Wastelanders Daily Ward Vital Equipment Gulper Lagoon Vital Equipment: Gulper Lagoon

A Daily quest giving out by Ward in Foundation.
A piece of vital equipment has been stolen from Foundation and Ward would like for you to track it down. All of the vital equipment has a property tracker built into it in case it ever goes missing. You can tune into the frequency when you are within range of the item.

In most cases, a Raider Thief has taken the equipment. When you track the thief down, often times you can either talk him out of it in their possession or simply attack to reacquire on behalf of foundation.

Once you have the piece of vital equipment, return to Ward for rewards. This quest can only be completed once per day.

Types of Vital Equipment:
Osmosis Kit
Intrusion Module
Water Cooled Bone Saw

Naked Vault Dweller,Fallout 76,Tutorial,Walkthru,Walk-thru,Walk Thru,Wastelanders,Vault 79,Raiders,NPC,Settlers,NakedVaultDweller,Daily Quests,Ally Quests,Bullion,Osmosis Kit,Raider,Foundation,Raider Thief,Vital Equipment,Ward,Blood Eagles,Intrusion Module,water cooled bone saw,Fallout 76 Wastelanders Daily Ward Vital Equipment Gulper Lagoon,

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