
Favored in the Famine (Part 1) | Dr. Bobby Manning

Favored in the Famine (Part 1) | Dr. Bobby Manning In the first installment of the Favored In The Famine series, Dr. Bobby Manning examines how the Bible addresses pandemic. In Genesis 41, God uses the onset of a famine in order to elevate Joseph into his destiny. After a lifetime of rejection and disappointment, Joseph's life takes a dramatic turn as his gifts and skills become necessary when a famine hits Egypt. Likewise, God has the ability to use the current famine of COVID-19 to open an opportunity for you to walk into the calling He has for you. You can position yourself for power in the pandemic!

“We serve a God who can take the worst ingredients and make a gourmet meal!”

"God’s timing is always perfect for your benefit.”

“God has given you a unique gift that the world needs during this time.”

“What is your gift? What has God been refining in you over the years? What skills do you have? What problems do you solve?”

“God wants to see how you manage a little before He allows you to manage more."

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