
how to pronounce likelihood

how to pronounce likelihood This video shows you how to pronounce likelihood

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likelihood = संभावना

We need to accept that there is always the chance of failure and the likelihood of flaws.
situations where there is a likelihood of violence
young people who can see no likelihood of finding employment
The test is then whether there is a reasonable chance or a real likelihood of persecution occurring.
There is also no likelihood that anything said or done would have induced any other confession.
I knew when I came in for my pit stop that there was little likelihood I would be leaving again.
The likelihood that one of them will commit a crime or become a drug addict is quite slim.
Nor, indeed, does there seem any likelihood that such a system would be effective.
So the likelihood of the others having similar problems was of high probability.
There can at this stage be no definitive answer but only an assessment of likelihood .
There is thus far less likelihood of stalemates or draws forming in the game.
The likelihood is that the pelts of the rabid foxes have been sold to furriers.
Boys who only experimented with vice did not increase their likelihood of depression.
Indeed there seems to be equal likelihood that extra life is lost as it is gained.
He submits that the necessary intent has to be proved and likelihood is not enough.
The question whether the degree of similarity leads to a likelihood of confusion is a question of fact.
The reduction in mortality is set against the increased likelihood of intervention.
The trial judge did not consider the factor of the likelihood of danger arising soon.
Clear allocation of risk may reduce the likelihood of litigation or arbitration.
Evidently the facts do not add up and so the likelihood is that someone is distorting the truth.
We believe, however, that waging a war will only make the likelihood of retaliation greater.
The likelihood of this increases when emotional or physical stress are present.

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