
Loudest Jaw Bone Crack I’ve Ever Heard ~ 2nd Visit = DEEPER ~ Self Cracker ~ ASMR Chiropractic TMJ.

Loudest Jaw Bone Crack I’ve Ever Heard ~ 2nd Visit = DEEPER ~ Self Cracker ~ ASMR Chiropractic TMJ. Location: Mechanicsburg, Pennsylvania

~ Condenser Microphone Captured Cracks & Crunches
~ Quiet Face Paper
~ Quiet Office (no phones or background chatter)
~ Mindfully placed ads for relaxers
~ Engaging patient storytelling
~ Powerful, Elegant, Original Content


I see your fire...

Sometimes presented as a gentle solitary flame on a candle, dancing playfully with the slightest whisper of wind.

Other times you're like an escaped glowing amber that catches flight on an idea or piece of music, finally landing on someplace very suitable for GROWTH... You begin to spread and your intensity heightens... the light brightens... getting hotter as you devour movement with your dancing.

And of course my favorite. When you're a morning campfire leftover from the night, coals smoldering, seemingly harmless until...


Forest Fire...

It's 5:31 am and the birds outside my window are whistling a chant... and I have deciphered their message for you.

Solitude opens the pathways towards inner truth.

All that it takes is a deep dive past the superficial thoughts of the surface mind. 

The dive is likened to that of a shamanic death. The vehicle can be the drum or plant medicine. The shaman delves deep into the unconscious world of symbolic language and hidden meanings to find the cure. And when the pearl is found, he emerges. Born again.

According to many Native American totem structures, the animal symbol for this process is... 

The bat. 

SIDE NOTE: In case you didn't know, the bat is the most likely reservoir for the rona virus.


Side note over... back to the bat.

Her time to fly is in the night. She is blind to the information carried by light waves. She uses the reflection of sound to guide her journey, singing, and dancing through the darkness.

Then like many other mammals, she returns home to her family.

And unlike many other creatures, finds rest as she hangs upside down. 

The bat has a unique physiological adaptation to make this happen. When most mammals make a fist it takes muscular energy to grasp and tighten. However, the closed position of the bat claw is the resting position. So as the bat flies up to the roof of the cave, she exerts energy to open the claw and then RELAXES the muscles. The claws automatically grasp the ceiling and she is free to rest and sleep.

The inverted position also allows for an easy take-off, because little bat's legs are too small to run, and her wings are not designed to lift her against gravity. In the upsidedown position, she is ready to fly. ALL SHE HAS TO DO IS LET GO.

Just like a human being in utero, assuming the head-down position, waiting to be born into the (new) world. 

Just wondering... has your world been turned upside down recently?

The legend of bat is here to teach all of us the mystical ritual of rebirth.

And Julia is here for a follow up to teach us that SECOND visits bring EVEN DEEPER ADJUSTMENTS.

It's no coincidence that this channel features people getting their FIRST adjustment. 90% of the American population has NEVER been adjusted. Aside from making top-notch ASMR videos, there has always been the intention to demonstrate a medical art form that is both EFFECTIVE & SAFE. Thus, making it less scary for the people out there who have never been cracked. Or sometimes, cracked in the wrong way.

Last week's episode with Skylar was a great example of such. And Skylar (who makes a brief appearance here) was brought to the office by her friend, Julia.

NOW... in this follow up video with Julia we see several examples of how the spine can potentially change from the 1st visit to the 2nd visit.

Her reaction to the pelvic adjustments... she literally vocalized the difference between the first and second visits. She also pointed out how it differed from her own self cracking... another audience that I intend to continue communicating with.

And you can hear it in her neck adjustments as well. The cavitations are thicker and crispier.

In the thoracic spine... oh what a treat. Julia's first visit brought some noise in the upper T spine but the lower thoracic was tough. We used several maneuvers to finally get the release. But here the upper T spine was relatively quiet. Just a few pre-cracks which are the superficial "do it myself" kind of cracks.

But once you get past the surface...

As seen in the Lower T Spine...

And the TMJ...


Forest Fire.

From my experiential perspective what we are seeing here is CHANGE. The easy cracks are more stable and the deeper cracks have been released. Maybe for the first time ever.

It's the same spine... rebirthed.


The sun is rising, my friends. And most of the humans in this part of the world are finding their daily rebirth rituals of breakfast & tea.

The fire is being lit.

I'm headed off to the yoga mat to practice handstands...

and to look for the pearl.


Loudest,jaw bone,tmj,crack,cracking,cracks,I've ever heard,chiropractic,ASMR,relax,ring dinger,y strap,Pennsylvania,New Jersey,New York,Deleware,Germany,UK,London,

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