
The Real Coronavirus: The Carnivores who Murder our Children for Adrenochrome

The Real Coronavirus: The Carnivores who Murder our Children for Adrenochrome This incredible Podcast focuses upon the real meaning of the Coronavirus, which isn't a dangerous, air-borne Contagion, rather an anagram for the word CARNIVOROUS, describing the Few, Depraved and Insane Left Brain Carnal Monsters who attempt to SEIZE Eternal Life by force, thru the Raping, Torturing, Skinning and eventual murder of our precious Children...all to create and horde a substance known as, Adrenochrome...their Horrific Elixir of "Eternal Life"...

So, sit back and gain a Holistic Innerstanding of what the Coronavirus really represents...the Carnivores who have ruled over us in Depravity...and then LEARN all of this horrific knowledge so that we may never forget what we have allowed to happen...God Bless!

And if possible, please remember my Friends to support Colleen and I here in Mexico as we continue daily to expand and grow, through the Vibration of Love, our Animal Rescue Shelter. We have now reached 45 rescued animals (Dogs, Cats, Horses, Goats, Possums, Birds) and our costs of maintaining this beautiful facility have grown far beyond what Colleen and I can maintain on our own. Only through your kindness and generosity will we be able to continue our vital efforts to give LIFE to all of these precious creations of God! You can donate to us either through PayPal or Patreon by following the links provided below! Thank you!

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Charlie's Patreon Page:
The Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary Patreon page:
The Shire Animal Rescue Sanctuary PayPal page:

With all of our Love and Respect,

Collywog and Charlie Freak, Gnostic Warriors of the Right

FreakSense TV,Freaksensetv,Charlie Freak,Charlie Freek,God,Chrism Oil,Human Physiology,Consciousness,Crown Chakra,Alchemy,Magnetism,Electro-Magnetism,Melatonin,Veganism,Flat Earth,Coronavirus,Carnivorous,POTUS,President Trump,Q Anon,John F. Kennedy Jr.,Donald Trump,White Hats,Black Hats,Adrenochrome,Johnny Depp,Tom Hanks,Celine Dion,Oprah Winfrey,Ellen Degeneres,Pineal Gland,Illuminati,Skinning Children,Dr. Annie Bukacek,Forged Death Certificates,

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