
What If A Surgeon Made A Mistake

What If A Surgeon Made A Mistake Picture you're undergoing surgery and the nurse runs in and yells "WRONG PATIENT"! Can you imagine the panick that you'd go through and fear! Well this does happen, and here's what to do if it happens to you!

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When accidents happen, calling 911 and being taken to the hospital is usually your best bet for getting treatment, and moving on. Thankfully, the United States has some of the best doctors in the world, with some of the absolute best, state of the art equipment, and the staff members aren’t too shabby either. We are very lucky, indeed. But doctors, and all medical personnel for that matter, are human. And mistakes do happen. Not malicious mistakes, mind you, but things like mistaken identity on the operating table, or a doctor working on the wrong body part, or a doctor accidentally injuring a patient MORE during a surgery, are all things that can go wrong, and leave you in a situation that was worse than when you walked into the hospital in the first place! Even mistakes like leaving surgical equipment like sponges, cotton balls, or small medical tools inside of a patient can take place. And take it from us, when this happens, you’re in a world of trouble. So! What can you do if this happens? What do doctors do when they realize it? And, what are some real life cases of these scenarios taking place, and what was the outcome? Brainiacs, you are in the right place. Today we are talking all manner of medical malpractice, from what are some of the most common mistakes that occur, to what the consequences are to not only the patients, but to the hospitals that made the mistake! Stick around, and get ready to learn exactly what happen if your surgeon makes a mistake!


Brainiac,surgery,medicine,hospitals,medical malpractice,lawsuit,surgical tools,surgical mistakes,doctors,wrong patient,

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