
Diverse Ecosystem Observable in Venice Canals During Coronavirus Lockdown

Diverse Ecosystem Observable in Venice Canals During Coronavirus Lockdown CORONAVIRUS

With boat traffic and tourism at a standstill in Venice amidst the coronavirus lockdown, zoologists are able to better observe the diverse ecosystem in the Italian city's canals.
READ MORE: While the coronavirus has had a positive impact on the environment in places like Venice, policy decisions in coming months will make clear if an economic recovery helps or hurts environmental gains.

Europe’s cities, where streets are usually congested, are now quiet, as people are forced to stay at home due to the coronavirus pandemic.

In Europe, 2019 was the hottest year ever recorded. But with millions of people forced to stay home, consuming less and traveling less, there has been a reduction in emissions, carbon and air pollution.

But countries across the continent want to slowly ease restrictions to get the economy going again. Some people are concerned a quick return to life as it was before COVID-19 might undo newly gained environmental benefits.


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