
Family Tree - Gary U.S. Bonds, Joey Stann & Steve Rossi - Please share!!

Family Tree - Gary U.S. Bonds, Joey Stann & Steve Rossi - Please share!! “The way this song came about was I was doing a recording session with my best friend Steve. After the session I didn’t want to go home so he told me to go upstairs to one of the bedrooms and get some rest.

I went up to the bedroom and I was ready to fall asleep and from that point I started falling asleep but what happened was I heard this song. I thought I was hearing it over the radio but I got up to turn off the radio because I didn’t want to disturb anyone.
But I realized it wasn’t a radio at all. I was actually hearing the song in my head.
So I grabbed a piece of paper and with pen in hand I wrote the words down as fast as I could so I wouldn’t forget them because the song didn’t come in a sense from me, it came from the Universe, you know the creative part of the Universe.
So I heard the melody and quickly wrote down the words. As soon as I finished I went to Steve and woke him up and said’ “I’ve got this song in my head man, we gotta do it”.
We went downstairs to the studio and I sang it to him. Almost instantaneously the chords came as fast as the words and melody had appeared in my head.
We immediately recorded it. It took like what… like a few minutes? I mean it took like nothing… no time to actually record the song. And we did it and that’s how “Family Tree” came about.

I really feel like I didn’t write it. It just came to me, the chords came just as quickly, we recorded it and that was it!”,
Joey Stann

Gary U.S. Bonds - Lead Vocals
Joey Stann – Tenor Sax
Bobby Bandiera – Guitar
Dave Post – Bass

Gary Weiss – Drums
John Drymon and Peter Keghlian – Keyboards
Emedin Rivera – Percussion
Janus Wojcik – Vocal Choruses

Steve Rossi - Production & Editing
Media Productions Music

© Copyright 2001 Joey Stann & Steve Rossi

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Family Tree,Joey Stann,Steve Rossi,Bruce Springsteen,Jon Bon Jovi,Karen Caruso Rossi,Karen Rossi,Samantha Milliken,Sabrina James,Gary U.S. Bonds,Coronavirus,covid-19,lockdown,#stayathome,#safeathome,songs of hope,family,Stankevich,

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