
SGMAK Associates provides free video tutorials, courses-Comparing alternatives Unequal service lives

SGMAK Associates provides free video tutorials, courses-Comparing alternatives Unequal service lives The following example shows how to compare alternatives when

useful lives (service lives) are not equal. Two different approaches
are presented. In the first method, a common plan period is

considered. Each alternative is replaced with an identical alternative

multiple times (as required) during the plan period. For example, in

comparing alternatives with 4 years and 8 years of service lives

respectively, a common plan period of 8 years is considered. During

the plan first alternative is replaced with an identical alternative at the

end of 4 years. This approach equalizes the impact of unequal

service lives. With this modification, net present value criterion can

be used to compare the alternatives. The following example

illustrates this approach.
Problem Statement
The alternative C has an initial cost of $5000, useful life of 4 years,

and generates a uniform annual benefit of $2000 and no salvage

value at the end of its useful life. The alternative D has an initial cost

of $12000, useful life of 8 years and generates uniform annual benefit

of $2500 and no salvage value.

SGMAK Associates,courses,free virtual classes,free online courses,free video tutorials,Comparing alternatives - Unequal service lives,

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