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All people are created equal, well, except for doing the things that we are about to discuss. Today, we
will be talking about 10 things most humans can’t do. Number one is something that is literally eye
popping so stay tuned for that.
Number 10. Raising One Eyebrow
If Dwayne “The Rock” can do it, why can’t you? Yep, one of life’s greatest mysteries is why the most
electrifying man in all of entertainment able to attain fame and fortune just by doing something that
most people can’t, raising one eyebrow. Ok, that’s not entirely true, there are other factors that surely
are more responsible for the Rock being one of the highest paid actors in the world, but if memory
serves me right, he was the very first one in pro wrestling to put over raising an eyebrow.
Funny thing is, people who can raise a single eyebrow technically can’t. The muscle responsible for being
able to raise both eyebrows is one and the same. You cannot raise one eyebrow because the whole
muscle is connected to both eyes. It is possible that one side is not connected or less connected but
that's usually not the case and such a person would not be able to raise both eyebrows at will.
What happens in almost all people is that they are not raising one eyebrow, but instead keeping one
eyebrow down and raising both at the same time thus giving the impression of only raising one. There
are various muscles that are able to lower the eyebrows.
So if one person is "not able" to raise one eyebrow, it actually means that they are not able to keep the
other side down.
Number 9. Wiggle Your Ears
Most people can’t wiggle their ears because, well, genetics. But before we get into that, let’s get one
thing straight hear. Ear wiggling is not evolution’s way to give you a neat party trick. Animals have the
ability to swivel their ears independently to point at a sound source because they need to. Knowing
where the sound of a potential predator or prey is coming from is often a matter of life and death.
Humans, however, have no need to do that so the muscles responsible for ear movement is generally
But, in a recent study, ear wiggling is somehow linked to genetics. It was observed that in the case of
most ear wigglers, one of both of their parents are also ear wigglers. Most of them will have siblings
and/or children that are ear wigglers as well.
Then again, these people also say that ear wiggling, like any skill infinitely more useful to humans, can be
achieved by concentration and constant practice.
Number 8. Tickle Yourself
You would have to be pretty lonely to even think about tickling yourself. But then again, even if you did
try to, you wouldn’t be able to. And here’s why; our brains aren’t wired to.
To understand the concept, let’s first find out why people laugh anyway. Today, we laugh when we are
happy or when we see something funny, or when we are tickled. It seems that, according to scientists,
our ancient ancestors used laughing for a totally different purpose; to signal a much stronger person
that they don’t want to fight. So, when one ancient human gets physical with another, the weaker one
just laughs it off as a signal to the other that they concede and will not fight back.
In a nutshell, laughing was developed as a way of self-preservation, a way to nullify a threat without
resorting to fighting or any other form of aggression. So, the simple explanation is you don’t laugh when
you tickle yourself is because your brain is wired to never think of yourself as a threat. Of course, this is
an overly simplistic explanation for the sake of brevity so I encourage you to do the research yourself.
Number 7. Licking Your Own Elbow
I’m 100% sure that at least 75% of you tried to lick your elbow as soon as this segment started. But try as
you might, you will not be able to do so. Why? Because it is a physical impossibility to lick your own
Now, before you flood the comments saying you know a friend of a friend of a friend’s uncle that can
lick his own elbow, let me clarify my statement; it is physically impossible for a normal human to lick his
own elbow. But of course, there are a few exceptions, like people born with incredibly long tongues.
If you are like Adrianne Lewis, who was born with a tongue 3.5 inches long, then licking your own elbow
will be a breeze. Adrianne was featured in the Ripley’s Believe It or Not book back in 2012 and in it, she
showed her elbow licking prowess. Her tongue is so long that she can even lick her own eyes.