
Entering The 2012 StarGate Wormhole in 2020 06|15 (description box)

Entering The 2012 StarGate Wormhole in 2020    06|15 (description box) #SolarEclipse #Awakening #GalacticEquator

I have been talking about this time for years on my channel, now here we are!

Entering A New Timing Frequency. The eclipse path during this activation crossing churches in Ethiopia- one is the Church of Saint George (check out Aluna Ash Soul Family Page on Facebook where I talk about this, and the Cross/Cube) also aligns with current Ethiopian Calender. Different calender & timing systems have different purposes but synchronize together as One. June 18th is Solstice according to one ancient text.

The June 20-21st 2020 Planetary Galactic Axis Activation/Solstice- Solar Eclipse Galactic Equator Line Up is very rare, lines up with Stonehenge, Giza Pyramid, overlapping cycles and is the entering the 2012 Stargate that we began synchronizing with and bringing in years ago. In 2012 we began a new 144,000 day cycle (which is almost 400 yrs) a 7,200 day cycle, a planetary synchronization to the 13th Gate/13th Heaven and started bringing in the consciousness of the new (almost) 13,000 year cycle. 2012-2020 8 year cycle relates to Venus. The integration of a new timing frequency began years ago- and is now becoming a Humanity event at a larger scale, in the mental, spiritual and physical. We are moving into a new time segment/fractal of time- releasing a distorted timing frequency we have created due to our way of thinking and moving beyond time in the way we once knew it.. Many different calender systems are merging together at this time. The Humanity & the planet will synchronize. This is a time of "Judgement" for Humanity. Judgement means many things, at many levels. This is a doorway/opportunity to move in one direction or another individually and collectively- to become a deliberate Creator and deepen our connection with Source- to do this, we must intentionally choose to do the inner work to overcome our divide/opposition within. Support and lift one another up, have compassion, hold our power by using our consciousness & heart verses revolting/uprising in anger/resentment. Things are tense in the world, because we are awakening from thousands of years of sleep/ignorance. These are Powerful times! What is going on in the world, is not just about race- although it appears that we on the physical plane. It is the evolution of the Soul within Humanity expressing symbolically through form and experience.
2020 is a midpoint of a 7 year cycle for USA that began in 2017. This 7 year cycle is a beautiful "USA Body" activation- to balance Spirit/Matter, Cross/Cube/Sphere. Each Nation is like it's own body, creating a greater body together as One. What we do now/how we react creates what we experience in the coming years. There are many cycles that overlap, and significant points bringing thought into form.
2018-2026, 2020-2022, 2020-2024, 2020-2027 ( I will talk about these in a "Judgement/awakening- a message to Humanity" video I will be posting soon.)
As awakened Souls, we do not need to revolt, but uplift- in consciousness. Does not mean we won't experience times of anger, fustration, sadness, envy- it just means we now have more tools to learn how to work through those states so they do not take control. What seems so physical or fixed, is not. It is particles & soundwaves. We do not create on the material plane. Fighting our own shadow does nothing, although until a certain point- it is part of the process of the evolution of the Soul.

Although it may not appear this way on 3D plane- all are liberated. All are working towards the same cause. We cannot force our personal will upon another because we do not like their actions without manifesting the consequences. All are "free." All is already done. On this plane- We are only experiencing the shadow of the past come into our awareness as if it is a new creation. We choose what part of creation we manifest by our consciousness/imaginal acts- unconsciously or consciously. We embody a state of consciousness, then move into the experience by sequence (the planets/stars help with timing/sequence/synchronization- but do not create our experience. Symbols/Geometry/Numbers/etc.. are not evil or a negative influence when you are IN the Infinite Spirit, attuned in the 13 Heaven/Celestial Hierarchy WITHIN, your field is recreated as new & becomes all for good on higher planes. ) The "Elect" are all, but in this time segment- only few have stepped into this gift by the Infinite Spirit.

Oh, and there are a couple typos in the video text!

Thank you for supporting, for the insights you share in the comments and all the love!


**I'll be doing a livestream on patreon soon for this Activation.

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#BackToTheNow #13Heaven #Judgement #Humanity #ONE #Consciousness #Awakening #Spirit #Cosmic #Solar #Eclipse #NewMoon #Kundalini #Merkaba #CosmicMerkaba #Cube #Cross #HyperCube #Matter #Enlightenment #Galactic #Upliftment


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