
Let's get along. Accept as it is. - 有りのままを受け入れる

Let's get along. Accept as it is. - 有りのままを受け入れる #DailyQuote #QuotewithExplanation #LifeQuote
Let's get along. Accept as it is.

++++ Quote of the Day +++++ Motivational words from TeSage Dream Solutions

We can pass through a trial, get stronger, and somehow reach another level.
The more a person pushes to his or her limit, the more one is able to reflect and understand oneself. I was so happy that I had the experience of undertaking my trials.
I felt that I had to strive to be someone who helps people of all kinds, to help people, all over the world lead happier and more hopeful lives. That’s how I came to my mission.
The trial of the village is greater than the trial of the mountain.
It is most important for the Buddhist priest to properly undertake trials in the mountains, then come down into the towns, interact with all sorts of people, and make oneself better through those interactions. That’s what’s truly important.
You ask me what the greatest happiness for a human being is. I think interacting with other human beings and reaching one another heart to heart.
I’ve said that heart to heart connection, most essentially, gives us the moment when we feel most content.
The message I most want to express is: Let’s get along; let’s help each other; let’s try to make a bright and hopeful world. That is the idea I want to send out to the world.
- Dai Ajari Ryojun Shionuma

#RyojunShionuma #塩沼亮潤

Freelancer,Self-employed,Motivational Quote,Inspirational Quote,Productivity,Dai Ajari Ryojun Shionuma,The Path to Enlightenment,Jigenji temple,Shugendo Buddhist tradition,The Omine Thousand Day Circumambulation Practice,無条件に受け入れる,慈眼寺,塩沼,塩沼亮潤,住職,大阿闍梨,Shugendo,Shinto,Buddhism,NHK,Aweaking,

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