- CHALLENGE (win a happy meal, I'm serious):
Sadly the 'mod' is only in the form of a plugin, so you're going to have to run a Spigot server on 1.15.2 to give it a go. The advantage to this is that you can play with friends, which I'll allow for the challenge.
All you have to do to win, is beat the game as fast as possible with the plugin turned on, and record some evidence for me to see that it's real. You can do #fundychallenge or @ me on twitter (@fundylive), and I'll check the results in a week or so. Use a random seed, fastest record wins the happy meal! GOODLUCK!
The Plugin:
★ Did you know subscribing on YouTube is free? Pretty neat, you should check that out. ★
Outro music
#Fundy #Minecraft