At the outset we are reminded of the role of the Holy Spirit, the Parakletos. The word Parakletos is a legal word meaning that the Holy Spirit guides us legally, judiciously and executively in our lives. Against that backdrop Pastor Thamo releases this teaching in preparation for how the Church, with the help of the Holy Spirit, will bring judgement upon the ruling systems of the world. In order to do this, however, each one of us will need to learn how to make righteous, prudent, and judicious decisions.
In a world where there is a flood of information and the constant bombardment with thoughts, ideas, philosophies and perspectives, we need to practice discernment and discretion in separating issues. Our ability to apply Biblical principles, and not our carnal minds, in making decisions and judgements will determine our destinies. Pastor Thamo prophetically states that the Church is now being brought into the valley of Jehoshaphat where we are called to judge intelligently and judiciously.
One of the requirements for this high calling is to have an understanding heart. Pastor Thamo describes an understanding heart as one that is keen to learn, able to make judicious decisions, one that can separate issues, resolve conflict, etc. It’s the type of heart that Solomon asked of God (1 Kings 3:9).
This series is about learning the ways of God in order to judge on matters and to make critical decisions. You are advised to listen to the full teaching as this session lays the foundation for what promises to be a prophetically timely message for the Church of today.