
東方門殊銭 ~ Bubbling Imaginary Treasures (v0.01a) - MarisaC lunatic 3.730b

東方門殊銭 ~ Bubbling Imaginary Treasures (v0.01a) - MarisaC lunatic 3.730b Gore released a demo of his new game, and since survival unsuprisingly doesn't exist, I decided to see how much score I can get, and after a few runs I got 3.7b. This can definitely go much higher, I still haven't figured out the right timings to get chain hypers on some patterns (most notably Shou's final). Every shot has a different hyper ability, MarisaC is able to freeze bullets. Canceling bullets with the hyper ability is the main way of building up PIV, which obviously means that this is how you get score. Apart from that, there are DDC-like bonuses, which are what actually gives you score. They can be chained by using bombs to get big cash-ins.

The PIV items fill the hyper gauge, unless you already have a hyper active. So ideally, you want the hyper to end right after it cancels a bunch of stuff, so that the generated PIV fills your gauge. This is why I'm often going to a corner after using a hyper - I'm trying to delay collecting the PIV as much as possible. general, this game is pretty wack, but I did enjoy it. Just don't expect survival to be hard, because it's... more than easy. You can get it here:

Oh yeah, it also lags like crazy on st3 boss. It wasn't that bad when I played it (OBS consuming resources made it run slower), but I still had slowdowns.


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