
Where the Truth Resides July 1 Astro-Sound Bite #astrosound #recalibrate #daily #guidance #newhuman

Where the Truth Resides July 1 Astro-Sound Bite #astrosound #recalibrate #daily #guidance #newhuman Since yesterday, the Sun and Mercury have traded places, with Mercury Rx now at 9 Cancer, and the Sun at 10 Cancer. So we are still working with the energy of carving away the unnecessary and superfluous to get to the real gem inside, while maintaining a sense of humor as we observe the current drama playing out in our world. At noon EST, today’s Moon reaches 24 Scorpio, the Sabian symbol for which reads “An x-ray photograph helps with the diagnosis”. This symbol describes an ability to see certain connections or into certain realms that hold the answers to our questions, things that others may not notice or be able to see. The word “diagnosis” breaks down to “dia” meaning “by” and gnosis, which means “knowledge”. Gnosis also refers to receiving mystical knowledge or divine revelations directly without the aid or interpretation of a spiritual medium or mediator. Jupiter Rx has now moved back to 23 Capricorn, and this symbol refers to “a woman entering a convent”, signifying someone who retreats from the world to enter into their own spiritual journey. Today’s message encourages us to seek quiet contemplation, to remove ourselves from worldly drama and chaos so that we can actually see, hear, and know the truth for ourselves. #astrology #sound #healing #vibrational #tuning #astrosound #planets #daily #guidance #align #sun #moon #mercury #jupiter


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