
10 Things You May Not Know About Seaworld

10 Things You May Not Know About Seaworld 10 Things You May Not Know About Seaworld

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10 Things You May Not Know About SeaWorld

Why do such happy looking places hide such dark secrets? Disneyland for instance, has its own fair share
of skeletons in its closets, let us know if you want us to make a video on that, but popular marine park
SeaWorld has secrets that if you only knew, would make your eyes pop out. Number one is especially
surprising so make sure you stay tuned for that as we give you 10 things you may not know about

Number 10. You can actually feed the animals
If you’ve been to Sea World at least once in your life, you probably already know that you can feed the
dolphins. However, it can get quite expensive. In order for you to feed the dolphins, you’d have to buy
their food, which consists of fish that you can buy for $7 per tray, the last time I checked. The thing is,
once you’re out of food, you’re out of the dolphin enclosure as well.
The good news is that there are three other animal feedings that are even more fun! Unlike the dolphin
feeding, there are no time limits on your stay at these animal exhibits, so if you run out of food you are
more than welcome to stay and hang out with your new friends.
There are feeding enclosures for seals, stingrays, and even sharks. In the stingray enclosure, you even
get to pet the dangerous animals, highly supervised of course.
Birds add a bit more thrill to the experience. The fly free within the entire park and if you’re not careful,
they’ll snatch fish right out from your hands if you’re not looking.

Number 9. Orcas get fed up to 80 pounds of Jell-O everyday
Orcas are huge animals. And like all huge animals, they require a lot of food. Out in the wild, that’s not a
problem for them. You see, orcas are expert pack hunters. They are basically on the very top of the food
chain and have been known to feed on sharks and even other whales, earning them their other name;
the killer whale.
However, when in captivity, like the orcas in Sea World, these big guys rarely get the nutrients that they
need to stay healthy. After all, these guys get fed frozen fish all the time. That’s why nutrients are always
being pumped into captive orcas, much to the horror of animal rights advocates.
Feeding each orca up to 80 pounds of Jell-O everyday doesn’t at all sound that bad, especially to people
who love that tasty treat. However, knowing the reason why they need to consume such large amounts
will make you think that they are absolutely better off swimming wild and free.
You see, the defrosted fish that Sea World feeds orcas everyday sorely lack the water content they
need. And since orcas get all their fluid needs from eating, eating Jell-O stops being a tasty dessert, but a
necessity to survive.

Number 8. Bad Dolphins
Dolphins look like they’re the gentlest creatures on earth, don’t they? Maybe it’s the permanent grin
that’s always plastered on their face, or their vocalizations that always sounds so cheery. Whatever it is,
it’s just extremely hard to imagine that they would do something violent to us humans, especially the
trained ones at Sea World, but lash out they do.
Back in 2014, a 9-year-old girl was bitten by one of the dolphins in the park, prompting the People for
Ethical Treatment of Animals to formally ask the US Department of Agriculture to look into the matter.
According to PETA’s report, he girl was petting a dolphin at the park's Dolphin Cove when it latched onto
her hand and wrist so tightly that the child's mother was unable to free her and a SeaWorld employee
had to intervene. The girl sustained bite marks and swelling to her hand and wrist.
To tell you the truth, I kind of understand why that happened. I mean, I find myself feeling cranky at
times, especially now that I’ve been cooped up indoors for quite a while, just imagine being kept in a
small enclosure for years on end.

Number 7. Manatee Hospital
Despite having a bad reputation, SeaWorld has been known to do some good too, especially if you are a
distressed and injured manatee. In one particularly cold day in sunny Florida, the SeaWorld Animal
Rescue Team, government officials and the local community banded together through the night to
rescue 19 manatees stuck in a drainpipe in a residential area of Satellite Beach.
How did the manatees get stuck there in the first place? Well, Manatees need warm water, above 68
degrees F, in order to survive. During that time, Florida was experiencing unusually cold weather, so the

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