
Getting Over Getting Older

Getting Over Getting Older Getting older can be tough on our body and our emotions.
How are you doing with the aging process? Whether we're 25 or
65 aging can hit us differently.
But what's crazy significant is how we choose to face how our body
and mind change over time. Being comfortable with who we are and the person we are becoming begins with being rooted in self love. When we love
ourselves, that reflection in the mirror is met with greater appreciation and
value. When society dictates and defines what beauty is and promotes
youth while devaluing age, we can get on a slippery slope of questioning our
own value.
Let's take some time to remind ourselves of our beauty, inside and out, taking time to strengthen our view of the reflection that stares back at us in the mirror.
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mental wellness,growing up,self love,going gray,going grey,getting older,women rock,goodness chick,mindfulness,

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