
The Closest Planet To Earth Mars Has Shrunk Further From Earth Distance Now 54.6 Million Kilometer

The Closest Planet To Earth Mars Has Shrunk Further From Earth Distance Now 54.6 Million Kilometer The closest planet to Earth Mars has shrunk further from Earth distance Now 54.6 million kilometer
The distance between Earth and Mars has decreased
The closest planet to Earth, Mars, has shrunk further from Earth.

According to the details, the scientists say that the planet Mars has come close to the earth at this time and it will remain close to the earth for the whole week.
Experts say that during this period, the distance from Mars to Earth will be about 62.1 million kilometers (62.1 million kilometers).
Experts add that another such opportunity will come for the second time in 2035, fifteen years later.
It is worth noting that Mars is not the shortest distance from Earth at the moment, but the average distance between Mars and Earth will be maintained for a whole week, not just one or two, which is a very rare occasion and never. Rarely comes
It should be noted that the average distance between Mars and Earth is 63.3 million kilometers, while the minimum distance between these two planets can be up to 54.6 million kilometers.
The maximum distance between Mars and Earth can reach 401 million kilometers.
Latest images of the planet Jupiter released
NASA has released two latest images of Jupiter, the largest planet in the solar system.
According to a report by a foreign news agency, the images taken by the space agency National Aeronautics and Space Administration (NASA) with the help of Hubble Telescope showed a huge storm in addition to the centuries-old historical red spot on the planet and its moon Europa. Can also be seen.
According to the report, the storm is moving at a speed of 560 km per hour.
Experts claim that like the red spot, the storm will now become a permanent part of Jupiter and will be visible in future images of the planet.
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Entertainment Ka Punch,Technology Updates,Science & Technology,Earth Mars,Earth distance,The closest planet,Earth,Mars,54.6 million kilometer,shrunk,shrunk further,Earth Mars has shrunk,Now 54.6 million kilometer,planet,Earth distance Now,planet to Earth,The closest planet to Earth Mars has shrunk,62.1 million kilometer,distance between Earth and Mars,The distance between Earth and Mars has decreased,second time in 2035,

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