
How to Grow Hundreds of Elderberry Plants for a few bucks.

How to Grow Hundreds of Elderberry Plants for a few bucks. How to grow hundreds of Elderberry plants in two square feet.

Here are all the items I use to grow plants from seed on Amazon:

Step 1. Get a packet of elderberry seeds, pour onto a folded damp paper towel.

Step 2. Fold over that damp paper towel so that the seeds are in the middle.

Step 3. Place that paper towel in a ziplock plastic bag, seal it and write the name of the seeds and date your put them in the fridge on the plastic bag.

***Note - You do not want too much water in the bag (mold), if you were to squeeze the paper towel, you might get a few drops or so.

Step 4. Keep that bag in the fridge for ~6 months, after a few months check on the seeds, if they start sprouting, they are ready to plant.

Step 5. Place those sprouting elderberry seeds in a tray with soil, lightly cover the seeds and make sure they don't dry out.

Step 6. When they get 2 initial leaves, you can pot them into bigger pots.

I happened to grow out these plants initially using a Kingbo LED light before spring, then transferred them to the greenhouse to finish them off.

Amazon Links:

Kingbo LED grow light - 
1020 Trays - 
1020 Inserts - 

~300 Elderberry plants for about $10.


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