Title: Mr turtle
Published on Jan 10, 2015 by The Green Orbs from the YouTube Audio Library.
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Opening credits: animation from powtoon, website:
images used in carcinogens ppt:
Causes of cancer:
• Carcinogen- Any substance or event that damages the DNA.
• All carcinogens are mutagens.
• But not all mutagens are carcinogens.
• Mutation should be in specific genes- TUMOR SUPRESSOR GENES & PROTO-ONCOGENES
carcinogens can be divided into 3 classes: chemical, biological, and radiation.
Carcinogens associated with various cancer
1. Lung cancer:
Tobacco smoke- mixture of 5,300 chemicals,
Tumorogenic compounds: acrolein, Fermaldehyde, cadmium, acetaldehyde, ethylene oxide and isoprene
DNA adducts: carcinogen covalently binding to the DNA.
2. Breast cancer:
caused by elevated level of estrogen: high level of estrogen can cause cancer by different ways.
Why is estrogen level increasing?
answer: hereditary , dietary
3. Colorectal cancer:
caused by elevated level of bile, which produces reactive oxygen species which in turn react with the DNA and damage it.
causes: high saturated fats in diet.
4. Liver cancer: caused by excess of alcohol intake, alcohol causes liver inflammation and inflammation is associated with cancer.
5. Skin cancer: caused by uv rays, which cause thymine dimer formation
Afla toxin: potent carcinogen
produced by aspergillus species growing on edible foods such as corn, peanut sorghum. proper hygienic condition during storage of these edible food can prevent aspergillus infection
Biological carcinogens: Virus can infect mammalian cells and cause damage to the DNA
various cancer associated with biological carcinogens:
Cervical cancer: Human papilloma virus increases the chance of developing cervical cancer.
vaccines are developed against Human papilloma virus to prevent cervical cancer.
certain other cancers and virus associated with them:
Hepatitis B- liver cancer
Epstein barr virus - Burkitt’s lymphoma
Herpes Virus - Kaposis sarcoma
bacteria found associated with cancer:
Helicobacter pylori can cause Gastric lymphoma