Part 2 of a multi-part modular performance. More droning, chirping, shrieking, gurgling, sputtering jams created for the deep end of an all-night psychonaut stream. Visuals added by Jeff Walls, the host and mastermind of said stream. Suitable for interstellar broadcast on all frequencies. Not responsible for whatever responds to this mating call. Performed in one take on Wiard/Blacet Modular, special emphasis on the Wiard Wogglebug, Cyndustries dual Zeroscillator (thru-zero FM oscillator for hot sin-on-sin action) and the Scrotum Labs Orgone Accumulator (a mad ill 3xWavetable cross-modulated FM oscillator platform that absolutely refuses to permit standard waveform generation) .
Video of your humble narrator is not synced, it comes from early in the patching process and mostly serves as a background bed for video effects by Jeff. All that noise around the 30 minute mark is NOT coming out of 10 cables!