
Radioactive Household Items

Radioactive Household Items In this video I will show common household items containing various isotopes both natural and man made. The first is natural uranium. Next I show uranium glass and fiesta ware. Both contain uranium. Next I move on to the radium watches and clocks. From their I show thorium lantern mantles and welding rods. Surprisingly, Thorium is used in the mantles because of its elemental properties not because of its radioactivity. Its radioactive properties are used in the welding rods to ionize the air around the rod help make better welds. The tritinite that is shown contained many isotopes when it was initially created but now the only detectable isotopes is Cs-137. The exit sign contains tritium or H-3 which decays into He-3 an isotope commonly used in neutron detectors. Finally the smoke detector source contains Am-241 that emits both alpha and very low energy gamma radiation. Hope you enjoy the video feel free to comment and I would be glad to answer any questions. Everything in the video is in full complacence with the NRC regulations that can be found on their websites. I follow all rules and laws. All material seen in the video above are exempt quantities of byproduct material. More information can be found at their website.

Uranium,Throium,Fiestia ware,Fiestiaware,Radioactive Household items,Radioactive glass,Radioactive red dish,Nuclear radiation,Uranium household items,trintinite,First atomic bomb uranium,

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