
Rod Dreher: How to Resist the Coming Soft Totalitarianism

Rod Dreher: How to Resist the Coming Soft Totalitarianism In 1974 world-renowned author of The Gulag Archipelago Alexander Solzhenitsyn wrote a short essay to his Soviet compatriots beseeching them to live in truth. The message, called "Live Not By Lies" was a call to not feed into the communist government's ubiquitous daily diet of falsehoods used to perpetuate the overwhelmingly oppressive system in place. Fast forward nearly fifty years and western civilization now finds itself facing an uncannily similar situation - ideologically, politically and socially. Greatly expanding on Solzhenitsyn's letter, journalist Rod Dreher takes a stark look at our present predicament in his new book Live Not by Lies: A Manual for Christian Dissidents.

This week on MindMatters we discuss Live Not by Lies with Rod Dreher and take a hard look at the radical left's 'soft totalitarianism' already tearing away at the very fabric of society. Between Big Tech's cancelling of conservative perspectives, ideologically motivated political policies, mass consumer surveillance, and the misled foot soldiers that threaten to attack and burn all those who disagree with them, Dreher asks the prescient question - what should one do in the face of such an onslaught?

Making use of invaluable interviews and accounts of Christian dissidents who lived under communism in Eastern Europe, Dreher relates the thoughts, strategies and faith that assisted those who sought to live in truth under the harshest and most harrowing of communist regimes. We also delve into why the church and Christianity was specifically targeted and sought out as an enemy of the state, and why the conscience inherent in religion is quite often exactly what makes it such a powerful enemy of totalitarian thinking.

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rod dreher,totalitarianism,soft totalitarianism,communism,christian dissidents,ponerology,lobaczewski,solzhenitsyn,live not by lies,

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