
Strange Inscriptions Appear on My Skin | Animated Story about Signs

Strange Inscriptions Appear on My Skin | Animated Story about Signs In fact, I was born like this. For some reason, at first, doctors and parents blamed everything on allergies, not seeing anything unusual in eruptions on my skin. That’s why I was treated for a long time, but, as you might have guessed, there was no result, because I have never had any allergies.
I remember very well when my mother first saw the inscription on my body, although I was very small at that time. It was just one of the liveliest recollections of my life. It happened when I was playing and my mother was walking by. She immediately shouted, "Oh my gosh! Edward, she has a ‘mouse’ written on her cheek."
Then my parents looked at the inscription for a long time, took some photos of it and filmed videos, and I couldn’t understand what was happening. I was very scared and sorry that no one bothered to explain anything to me.
The next times, when the inscriptions appeared on me, my mother suspected my father that he was burning it on my skin intentionally, just for hype. I don't know how she could ever think that. Dad, of course, knows a lot about popularity, but not that much.
Later, doctors confirmed that the inscriptions and symbols on my body appear by themselves without anyone’s help and the reason for their appearance was considered unclear. I was scared every time, because sometimes the inscriptions written on my skin looked very strange: “I can't see”, “Mom wants to poison me” and the whole bit. But then I got used to it. After all, you can't run away from yourself!
It’s not clear how, but the fame of my magical skin was rapidly spreading throughout the area and soon everyone knew about me. At first it didn’t bother me, but then stories about me went beyond the boundaries of our city and state. That's when the real fun began.
Some strange people began to crowd around my house and at first it was not clear at all what they needed and why they were here. But then those people began to approach us on the street and asked to tell us what for inscriptions appear on my body. They said that this was a sign and that I was kind of chosen one and the inscriptions written on me are predictions.
Ohhh, this is so absurd! They simply don’t know that if this were really true, then I would have already learned to fly, bathed in the volcano's lava and spent 2 hours on the ocean bottom without air. However, maybe everything is down the road yet. Well, these are not my goals...
Let's get back to those strange people. Their presence began to bother me very much. Because of them, I could neither go home, nor leave it, because the people who were always on duty always had many questions for me. “Will I get married this year?”, “Will I buy an apartment?”, “Will I go on vacation?” Just crazy.
And if you think that we didn’t contact the police, then you’re vastly mistaken. We called the police almost every day, squads of policemen came and took my "fans", but the next day new ones came to their place. Such an endless circle!
At some point my parents and I were already so used to the fact that they were constantly waiting for me there, outside the door, that these harmless people became an integral part of my life, so we stopped calling the police.
A little bit later I found out that they were not that harmless, so I was not out of the woods yet. One fine… no… one awful day, I was just kidnapped. They forced me into a bus and drove away.
I found myself in a huge house, apparently a country house, where at least two dozen of these blessed ones lived. They looked at me with their mysterious eyes and asked almost in unison when the end of the world would come.
What the hell? What’s the end of the world? “You’re all absolutely crazy”, I told them and asked them to let me go. But one lady, who, apparently, was the most important person there, told me not to rush and stay with them for a while, because they really need me.
In fact, hearing this was very scary and I didn’t understand at all how I could escape from there, whether my parents could find me, and whether there were any guarantees that I would get out of there alive. It was just impossible to understand the plans of those blessed ones.
They called me a saint, brought tons of apples to my feet and sang some weird songs next to me. I was also ready to sing with them and even dance, if only they would let me go. But they answered me again and again that it was still too early...
When different inscriptions appeared on my body, they carefully examined them, took photos of them and wrote them down in some kind of notebook. They really saw a hidden meaning in all this.
In a few days I was already sick of their songs, of their blissful faces and of apples. My favorite fruit turned into a hated one and I sobbed my socks off. Meanwhile, my kidnappers brought a large tray with axes and knives of various sizes and began to dance around these objects...

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