Paul Andersen explains how the rate law can be used to determined the speed of a reaction over time. Zeroth-order, first-order and second-order reactions are described as well as the overall rate law of a reaction. The rate of a reaction can be determined experimentally.
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Music Attribution
Title: String Theory
Artist: Herman Jolly
All of the images are licensed under creative commons and public domain licensing:
"File:Ammonia-3D-vdW.png." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed October 19, 2013.
File:Crystal Violet in Aqueous Solution.jpg, n.d.
"File:Nitric-oxide-3D-vdW.png." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed October 19, 2013.
"File:Nitrogen Dioxide at Different Temperatures.jpg." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed October 19, 2013.
"File:Nitrogen-dioxide-3D-vdW.png." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed October 19, 2013.
"File:Oxygen Molecule.png." Wikipedia, the Free Encyclopedia. Accessed October 19, 2013.
File:Spektrofotometri.jpg, n.d.
Izmaelt. Slovenčina: Príprava Oxidu Dusičitého z Medi a Kyseliny Dusičnej. Fotené Na Slovenskej Technickej Univerzite., October 27, 2010. Own work.