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Actually and currently are two words that create a lot of confusion!
For some languages this is a really famous "false friend" when
Actually = in reality, in fact
Currently - recently
This is a really important word for job interviews in English because you can hear the questions;
"Where are you CURRENTLY working?"
"Are you currently looking for work?"
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Job interview English actually and currently - If you are looking for job interview English actually and currently, then watch this video to learn everything you need to know about job interview English actually and currently.
Translated titles:
Job Interview English Actually and Current (Cuál es la diferencia y cómo usarlos)
Entretien d'embauche en anglais actuellement et actuellement (quelle est la différence et comment l
Entrevista de trabalho em inglês atualmente e atualmente (qual é a diferença e como usá-los)
नौकरी के लिए साक्षात्कार वास्तव में औ
مقابلة عمل باللغة الإنجليزية فعليًا وحاليًا (ما هو الف
Colloquio di lavoro inglese attualmente e attualmente (qual è la differenza e come usarli)
Rozmowa kwalifikacyjna po angielsku aktualnie i aktualnie (Jaka jest różnica i jak z nich korzysta
Собеседование на английском языке на самом деле и в на