
become popular subliminal | EXTREMELY POWERFUL

become popular subliminal | EXTREMELY POWERFUL here are the benefits, this is just a summary of the affirmations they are more detailed and exaggerated enjoy x


_ permanent results
_ results come fast
_ instant results
_ desired results
_ after one second of listening you get full results
_ safe results
_ body and face is welcome to change
_ strong subconscious mind
_ very fast results
_ full results in one day
_ desired results only

_ extremely popular
_ everyone loves to talk to you
_ become great at conversations
_ extremely funny
_ everybody laughs at your jokes
_ extremely social
_ always centre of attention
_ everyone pays attention when you are speaking
_ become important to people
_ everyone wants your attention
_ everyone talks to you a lot
_ make new friends every day
_ extremely sociable
_ extroverted qualities
_ respected everywhere
_ people respect you a lot
_ most liked person in your year
_ extremely liked
_ everyone is kind to you
_ everyone loves you
_ everyone buys you gifts
_ everyone purchases whatever you want
_ always surprised with gifts
_ always have funny comebacks
_ extremely comfortable talking to anyone
_ everyone wants to sit next to you
_ loved by everyone
_ you are extremely funny and nice
_ everyone notices how beautiful you are
_ everyone compliments your beauty
_ face becomes one billion times prettier every second
_ body becomes one billion times prettier every second
_ everybody stares at your beautiful face
_ you are extremely beautiful
_ you are stunning
_ you are attractive
_ complimented every day
_ people always smile at you
_ people always hug you
_ people love to talk to you
_ enemies like you again
_ friends with everyone
_ able to start conversations
_ able to talk to anyone
_ conversations are extremely interesting
_ receive positive attention
_ invited to all social events
_ parents allow you to go out
_ everyone loves your personality
_ have the best sense of humour
_ everybody is truthful/honest to me
_ most popular person in school

instagram: halolims


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