
Exclusive: China's secret internet trolls exposed; Chinese regime preparing for 2nd virus outbreak

Exclusive: China's secret internet trolls exposed; Chinese regime preparing for 2nd virus outbreak The #CCPvirus (#coronavirus) epidemic has worsened in China’s northern most province. The Chinese regime has been expecting the 2nd wave by preparing thousands of hospital beds.

The Chinese regime has been funding an army of internet trolls (#wumao) to push its political narrative. But hardly anyone knows their faces. Leaked documents and photos obtained by NTD shows what China’s professional trolls look like.

Fear is growing over a potential food crisis. Is food shortage really a concern in China? An expert explains.

Popular simulation game “animal crossing” reportedly removed from China. Many blaming Hong Kong activist Joshua Wong.

Japan is spending billions to move its manufacturers out of China. This, as lockdowns forced Japan to look elsewhere for much-needed supplies.

NTD refers to the novel coronavirus, which causes the disease COVID-19, as the CCP virus because the Chinese Communist Party's coverup and mismanagement allowed the virus to spread throughout China and create a global pandemic.

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Exclusive: Wuhan funeral home staffer reveals real death toll of coronavirus:
CCP virus follows communist China ties:
Giving the right name to the virus causing a global pandemic:
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China in Focus,NTD,NTDTV,NTD News,China in Focus NTD,ntdtv tv 新唐人,ntd michael jackson,wuhan china,china virus,wuhan coronavirus,china news,coronairus news,wuhan virus,武漢,武汉,肺炎,武汉肺炎,武漢肺炎,today,quarantine,中国,virus outbreak,新聞,中共,病毒,China in focus,NTD news,NTD tv,ntd parasite,50 cents,wumao,internet trolls,coronavirus,coronavirus outbreak,corona virus,wuhan,news,novel coronavirus,china,Japan,pandemic,Joshua Wong,Hong Kong,china news channel,中共病毒,

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