
The True Issue Behind Gun Violence

The True Issue Behind Gun Violence Gun violence is a huge problem in United States with hundreds of thousands of deaths amounting from not enough control on all types of guns and we need to strictly increase the regulations for getting guns to solve this problem. But is that the actual truth? It is known in the United States that due to having the 2nd Amendment it causes more people to have easier access to guns which causes most family households to have at least one gun. This also leads to most of the crime within the United States to be carried out by using a gun for the main weapon of acting out violence. A lot of people use this fact to argue for the increase in gun control on all types of guns, but it is the large firearms that are primarily used for mass genocide. Although having an increase on the restrictions for guns would allow for less people having guns and therefore having less deaths in each crime, it would not solve the main problem behind gun deaths. Using information from Swanson’s research, most of the deaths that are caused by guns in America are from suicide and not genocide with 59 percent coming from suicide and 37 percent coming from homicides. Since most of the deaths are from people committing suicide, even if we were to take the guns away from these people, they would still find a way to cause harm to themselves or others. This is supported by the study done by Kleck in 2019, where he studied the relationship between the amount of violence in a certain area and how it was affected when they took the guns away from the most violent age group, but the crime rate stayed relatively the same. Which brings me to the point that instead of increasing gun control, we should focus on the mental health situation of these individuals. If we were to keep on focusing on increasing gun control as the main problem for gun violence, then that would only attempt to solve 37 percent of gun related crimes in America. We would still have hundreds of thousands of deaths still coming from suicide from the same people that you took the guns away from by increasing gun regulations. What does this mean for you? Well, this means that although you could increase gun control to decrease the amount of deaths in each crime, we should really focus on helping the people that seem to be in mental or physical distress around us. How can you do this? You can speak and be friendly to the people around you. If you notice that someone is acting strange or having mental or personal problem, you should encourage them to either talk it out with you, family, friends, a possible therapist, or in an extreme situation, the suicide hotline that is readily available to everyone. I would also encourage you to try to encourage your local political official to try to encourage restrictions on large firearms alone.


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